
Here's a look at what I'm working on for halfgk.com. Completed items drop to the end of the list. Current sort is indicated by an orange arrow. open book
See the chart.

Date Item (7 Open, 123 Closed) Completed Date
6/13/2019 xml/log: How are these logs becoming 0B files?
6/12/2019 rss/xsl: update rollovers, correct header link 06/12/2019
6/6/2019 xml\log: monitor size and truncate or create new 06/06/2019
6/4/2019 Resume is not picking up the cookie from main.aspx 06/05/2019
9/10/2018 Resume: stop the top employer from disappearing in the print preview 09/14/2018
9/9/2018 Resume: print style sheet separates "EMPLOYMENT" heading from body 09/10/2018
6/9/2018 ticker: Omit asterisks around book and movie titles. 06/09/2018
5/19/2018 int: divide content into current and old
5/2/2018 Sports content should be excluded from twihh 05/02/2018
4/6/2018 pro: reporting "master switch" 04/06/2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...