
2007BA, Telecommunication Information Studies & Media. Graduated with Honors. Finalist for Oustanding Senior Award (nominated by the Assoc. Dean for Undergraduate Education of Communications Arts & Sciences).
1998-2006Pursued Bachelor of Arts while working full-time; advanced at rate of approximately one evening class per term.
1995-1997Associate of Arts degree completed while on active duty. Member, Phi Theta Kappa; One of two student commencement speakers. Listen to the audio.


Available below are very brief segments of papers I wrote for various college courses.

extract 1From a paper I wrote in a course on Constitutional Law discussing Justice Antonin Scalia's A Matter of Interpretation.
extract 2From notes I took for a Civil War course. The format used is a function of refinements made in note-taking over time. I use this format for all of my classes.
extract 3From a paper I wrote in a Humanities course discussing the colonization of the New World.
extract 4From a history mid-term discussing the initial use of the atomic bomb.