
2019.10.17Safari's New Setting

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Lately I've been working pretty hard on a new stylesheet for the iPad. I was pretty happy with it, but it suddenly stopped working. I frantically went through my code to figure out what I broke — then I realized I hadn't broken anything. Apple did.

...In a way.

The new iPadOS is here. I believe this is actually a fork of the iOS code, now meant to concentrate solely on the iPad as a platform. Along with the new operating system, a subtle change in Safari's behavior: it now requests, by default, desktop versions of websites. Put another way, stylesheets made specifically for devices like the iPad are now ignored by default.

To make Safari stop requesting desktop websites by default,

  • go to Settings > Safari.
  • In the right pane, scroll down to a region called SETTINGS FOR WEBSITES
  • Under the heading REQUEST DESKTOP WEBSITE ON, switch the "All Websites" toggle to OFF.

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