Something was with me tonight. I don't know what it was.
At tonight's meeting of our monthly poker game, I completely dominated.
I've no idea why. I never have before.
Tonight's game was smaller than usual I'm sure that was part of it.
But I was still playing against some really solid players (for our league) --
so I was surprised I took out everybody and got to the top.
And that's a significant feat usually different people take people
out of the game. But in tonight's game, I took out everybody. That's got
to be pretty rare.
Of course, it's poker much of this has to do with the cards you get.
Most nights, I get crappy cards. Tonight I got crappy cards, too but I
was able to play some of those hands smartly enough to add to my stack.
I didn't get GREAT cards I think I had a pair of Kings at one point.
Never saw two bullets. But I ended up with A-something a fair few times.
So tonight, for the first time ever, I came home with the win. Only one
other time I came close I got to the final two and my opponent, who was
tired and had a long drive ahead of him, threw me an extra few bucks for
giving him the "W." I usually play like crap, so I didn't mind.
I can say pretty confidently that my play has improved. When I first
came to the game, I barely knew anything about it. I've grown to love the
people in my group, and I look forward to playing rotten cards and
laughing a lot. It's my one night out each month, and I really look
forward to it.
Next month, the bounty is on ME. That's new!
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