style guide 

Common Reference
  1. Perhaps as a function of habit more than anything else, I use as my main source of example of products mentioned on the site.
  2. As noted on the about web form, I am not paid to maintain the site, nor asked to promote goods or services. From time to time, I'll pass along information I've read in magazine articles, mention Web sites I've found, or offer unqualified comments on products I like or dislike.
  3. As a matter of standard, I choose to use as the common reference for all such items as practical.

Content Templates
What are Content Templates?
  1. Nearly all of the content for lives in an XML-based content management system. Most of the content itself is free of formatting, but is created according to a schema that allows for the use of sections, headings, titles, ordinals, links (and their titles), and summaries to help describe the content.
  2. Content is displayed through the use of content templates. Each template is designed to display the content according to certain rules. The template used to display a specific post is chosen, in most cases, according to the section for which the post is intended, and type of content. For example, photographic content may call for a template that allows for a thumbnail view of the image to be displayed, and the full image to be displayed when the user clicks on the thumbnail. More commonly, text posts may be displayed in templates that organize the content by date, section, heading, ordinal and so forth.
Use of Content Templates for "Interests" Posts
  1. Posts made to the "Interests" section should always include the content summary. The content summary acts as a title by which the post can be recognized from the "Latest Events" section of the Welcome form.
  2. "Interests" posts should use a content template that allows for the display of the summary as well as the content body.
