
2015.03.18Lenovo's Out; Dell is In

About six months ago I bought a laptop to replace my aging desktop unit. I loved my Dell PC — but it's from the Windows Vista era and its hard drive has been failing. Its behavior had become so erratic — primarily due to a power imbalance, which was corrected perhaps too late for the machine — that I had to find something fast to move files onto and still be able to perform simple tasks.

The laptop is a Lenovo IdeaPad. Intel i7 processor, 500GB SSD, touch screen... the works. But my fingers and this keyboard are never going to be friends. I think there are two problems: the keys are very low and they're covered in a hard plastic materia similar to the sleek metallic black interior of the case.

I've reached my breaking point. I've tried everything — including trimming my nails back to nothing before getting on the laptop. Nothing. I can type all day every day on my work laptop without a problem, but I have to correct nearly every decently-sized word I type on the Lenovo. It's GOT TO GO.

My work laptop is an HP Folio EliteBook and I love it. It's not as powerful as the Lenovo, but it's a Windows 7 Enterprise workhorse and I've never had a problem with it. Sadly, I haven't fallen in love with a consumer market analog for the Folio — at least, not anything with an i5 or i7 processor (you should see their new Split X2. Wow!).

What stole my heart, though, is the new Dell Inspiron 13. Intel i7 processor, 1TB SSD. Touch display. And a standard, not glossy, not sunken, plain ol' keyboard. 3 USB ports, an HDMI port. Simple.

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