

On the Complete Dumpster Fire That Has Been 2016


Billy Joel could remake We Didn't Start the Fire JUST using events from 2016.

Ziggy Stardust, Patty Duke, Grizzly Adams, Morely Safer;
Willy Wonka, Shandling, Frey,
And that White Shadow Guy ...

Prince and the purple Rayne,
Mr. Spock beamed up again,
R2-D2, Princess Leia, Carol Brady, Castro...

For children who graduated high school in the 80's like me, this year has been especially rough. So many of the actors and musicians from our childhood are leaving. Perhaps the gift of maturity has given us sympathy and respect for even those from shows or bands we didn't particularly care for — for example, I wasn't particularly into Prince in his heydey, but I can recognize what an amazing artist he was. George Michael is another fine example; I saw on the news this morning several tweets that were reported instances of selfless and anonymous acts of donation and volunteerism.

Apart from the celebrity deaths, 2016 was also quite a year of political turmoil. Across the pond, many were stunned by the results of the UK referendum to leave the European Union by a margin of 52% to 48%. The result meant the EU would lose its second largest economic contributor, and England loses priveleged access to continental trade. The Prime Minister resigned his position in the wake of the vote. Here at home, we saw news of the Democratic National Committee covertly favored former Sen. Clinton, who ultimately lost a nationally divisive contest against the outspoken outsider Donald Trump. Among the fallout of the Trump victory: revelations that Russia created fake news stories over social media, and that the FBI had purposefully re-opened its case against Clinton in the latest days of the race, both intended to influence the outcome of the election. New articles seem to surface daily about threats from white supremacy groups (under the more PC moniker of "the alt-right") for waffling on his infamous, isolationist campaign promises to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, to deport some 3MM illegal aliens, and, in a recurring theme, to leave NAFTA.

Brussels bombings, Zika,
and Mossack Fonseca;
BREXIT, Bernie, DNC,
Malaysia Airlines 17,
E-mail servers, FBI,
ISIS bomber suicides...

personal statement

Humor posts aside, I only seek to understand the events I describe in these posts, and to form an opinion after considering the material I've gathered. I believe we need leaders in Washington to act in the best interest of the United States as a citizen nation of the world, and who represent the interests of the people they serve above the interests of party affiliation.