
2012.12.11Fibbing to Mommy (It's Our Little Secret)

Last night I suggested to kiddo that we should sneak out and get something together for mommy for Christmas. I let her handle how to get us out.

Kiddo's answer was to tell mommy we're going for a bike ride (it was dark out) and that to stay warm we were going to wear all our coats.

After browsing a department store, we settled into a new jewelry store. Kiddo set her heart on a stuffed Teddy Bear. I managed to acquire one with our purchase for mommy. I managed to keep the bear secret for a few minutes, anyway.

Kiddo told the jewelry store saleswoman the tale about how we snuck out; she suggested we go into the bathroom and splash water on our faces to make it look as though we'd been sweating. Kiddo accepted the suggestion without question.

On the drive home, I asked kiddo how she planned on explaining the presence of the bear, and suggested we simply not let mommy know about it until after Christmas. Unacceptable; she preferred to offer explanation.

So as soon as we got home we hurried into the guest bathroom and splashed our faces. We were dripping wet when mommy met us in the kitchen.
Mommy: "Wow! It looks like you had SOME ride!"

Kiddo: "We splashed water on our faces so we could dehydrate!"

Mommy: "What do you have there? Where did you get that Teddy Bear?"

Kiddo: "We rode all the way to the mall and while we were looking around, some
           random old lady said, 'Here!' and gave me this Teddy Bear!"

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