
2017.12.22Turkey Time Means Brining

When I was a kid, brining wasn't a thing — at least, it wasn't in our family. Grandma, may she rest in peace, always served a very dry turkey. That was the cause of my affinity for dark meat — it's fattier and less susceptible to a lack of moisture.

We first brined a turkey at Christmastime a couple of years ago. The bird was so juicy it sprayed juice all over both of us AND the kitchen ceiling when I started carving it.

Here's the boss' brine recipe:

1cKosher salt
2 qt.stock
10 clovesgarlic
1Tfresh rosemary (sprig)
1Tfresh sage (sprig)
3 leavesbay leaves
3Tbrown sugar
1 gal.water

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