
2017.08.27The Five-Minute Workout

The display on our treadmill

We're smart people. And because we're smart people, we have some smart technologies in our home. A great example is a computer surge protector that kills power to everything on the strip once the computer is shut off. It's super nice because peripherals power up and down with the computer (which is plugged into a specific outlet on the strip).

What's not so smart is having other things plugged into the same surge protector -- "other things" being our treadmill.

The computer on the strip is Laurel's work computer — a system to which neither have nor need access. On Saturday night I learned that her computer will shut itself down after 5 minutes of being powered up without further user interaction.

If you're working out at that point, the treadmill will stop abruptly. At 3+ MPH, it will occur shortly after the 1/4 mile mark. It's jarring. But you can keep your heart rate up by hurrying over to the PC to hit the power button again (were this captured on video, you likely won't be proud of your gait) and back onto the machine to start all over again.

A fifteen-minute workout will come with two of these breaks, plus the benefit of "auto shut-off" at the end.

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