
2017.05.18Exercise: The Streak

It's been a while since I've posted in health and fitness.

I've been off of diet medication for a couple of months now, having received no substantial assistance from it since I reached about 230 lbs. Laurel reached her weight goal of 175 and generally maintains her weight in the low 170's. But before she hit that goal, she was afraid she was going to fly past it — so she started taking on extra carbohydrate to try to "slow her roll." And I took on extra carbohydrate right along with her. By the end of April I was back around 240lbs, and not fitting into those lovely size 34's any longer.

Enter vacation — our biennial Disney death march. Went from walking about 1,500 steps per day to around 12,000 steps per day. For as much as I hate all of the walking we do, I always come home with some extra pep.

One particularly nice evening not too long after we returned, we took a nice evening walk. After a few evenings of this, My Apple Watch started to tell me I was doing good things. We started setting these evening walks as workouts, and now I'm been able to sustain my longest Move streak now for 16 days.

We've walked outside every evening save tonight — storms going through the area nixed tonight's installment — but I was able to grind it out on the treadmill to keep the streak alive.

Over the course of this Move streak, I've noticed my rings are fitting more loosely again, and tonight I'm back into one of those pairs of 34" waist shorts.

Over the past few days, I've been trying to take a lap around the block at some point in the afternoon, then walk about a mile and a half in the evening. Last night we took a little detour and ended up logging over 2 miles. I don't think I'm quite ready for that as a new standard, but it might happen in a few weeks.

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