
2021.04.24This Time Around (in 2021)

WEIGHT: 255 as of 4/15/2021

I posted the image above two four years ago.

I feel a bit like I'm in confession. "Father, It's been two years since my last fitness post." In that last post, I caught you up on the events of the previous two years — the layoff, selling the house and moving in with relatives; the depression that ensued; spending everything we had to move south for a new job, where I and hundreds of other employees were laid off, and being marooned in a new environment.

I also wrote the following:

This Time Around

My weight loss approach this time is different than it had been. First, I'm not weighing myself at home. My wife asked me about this just this morning. I'm letting the doctor's office handle the weigh ins, because I don't want to make my weight the center of an infoporn obsession. Last time, I was weighing myself every day, and recording those weights on my site so I could graph and chart the sh!t out of them (and use it as an excuse to do even more crazy stuff with my charting class). I'm not creating an obsession this time. I know weight is coming off because I'm fitting in my clothes better, and because my daughter especially has noticed — we have a standing date in our pool in the afternoons; she told me she can see a difference. Those things are good enough for me, I think. Well, and I want to notice a difference, too, obviously; I'll carry myself better if I have a little pride in my progress. I think it's going to be a little difficult to feel that pride while I'm obsessing over numbers. Forest for the trees kinda thing.

Well, here we are two years further down the road. First off, COVID torpedoed everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I've basically spent 13 months in quarantine. We spent last summer in our pool as we always do, only more than usual because everybody was in quarantine. I'm so amazingly thankful we bought a house with a pool: it made the time SO much easier. We were all getting lots of Vitamin D from the sun, spending time in the open air within the confines of our yard. I can't imagine how we would have passed the time last year without it.

The summer in the water was relaxing. And that was essential, because the summer indoors was stressful: my client basically ghosted me and my company for six months. I was forced to find another job — I found one last September, but delays kept me from making a single dime until this past February. If there's any comfort in not having paid our mortgage for six months, it's that a great many were in the same boat I was. My point is simply to say that the quarantine was stressful in numerous ways.

We're still working to get out of the hole the pandemic put us in, both financially and emotionally. In fact, I asked my doctor for a prescription for something to help take the edge off. I just started it this week.

And speaking of doctor visits, let me come to the point of the post: I was in for a checkup last week, and was thrilled to learn that I've lost 20 pounds since my last visit — I tipped the scales at 255, with jeans and bulky sandals. And my blood pressure was normal. I also saw my optometrist; new glasses are on the way.

I got brave and tried on a pair of shorts I haven't worn in probably four years. And I'm wearing them now, as I type. They fit a little tight, but they're buttoned. The last time I attempted to wear these I had at least a two-inch gap between the button and it's hole. I'm so glad I kept them.

Also, I noticed last night that my glasses are slipping off of my head. It's a really subtle change — my hair has grown out (many call it "the COVID cut": men are either cutting it all off (themselves) or just letting it grow) so I doubt anyone would be able to notice... but three times in the past day my glasses nearly slid down my nose and off of my head. Good problem to have.

There's been another change to report — I've basically stopped drinking. I made that change sometime last year. Basically, kiddo had a seizure one evening. To help kiddo, I essentially had to also manage Laurel, who insisted on helping but was too drunk to understand what she was actually doing. Laurel doesn't get drunk too often, but it the event was enough to make me sort out priorities. And also now, in April 2021, I've started a medication that warns against alcohol use -- so now when I turn down a drink, I have a solid medical reason I can rely on, apart from personal choice.

So among the weight, the glasses, and the shorts, I'm super motivated right now to make some changes to diet, and I have to say I already feel a difference in my energy. My goal is to cut back, not to cut out. I work at this daily.

I am waiting with great anticipation for the pool to warm to temperature. Last August I devised a workout that produced some really nice results by October, as evidenced by comments I received from friends and family. From the calorie burn perspective, I was solidly making 200% of my burn goal DAILY while I was exercising. The only thing about it I didn't like was that I didn't think of it until very late in the season. So this year I can't wait to get back in and start again!

Lastly, because my weight is where it is, I am really thinking about getting back on a bicycle for the first time in years. That reminds me... I need to look for a local bike shop.

As far as what I wrote two years ago, I still agree with avoiding daily weight measurements to not let myself get caught up in the infoporn and potentially make some bad moves. But I have to weigh that wisdom against my current motivation — I've been making healthier choices for a week now, and would like some sense of how I'm doing... so perhaps I could let myself weigh in on a weekly basis or something. Oh — also, no Fentermine. At least, not right now. I'd rather make the changes to diet to set me up for success when I start exercising. Plus, I like pooping... I like pooping better than not pooping.

If I'm at 255 now (without trying), I think I can reasonably set an initial goal of 240. Let's try to reach that goal by July 1st, WITHOUT the manic weigh-ins.

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