
2021.04.29Maintenance List

Specialized Secteur Comp (2012)

Just trying to jot down what needs to be done before I can ride.

  1. Replace tires and tubes
  2. Maint tune-up: grease cables, true wheels, etc.
  3. Replace computer... if it even has one
  4. Buy a helmet
  5. Buy skins
  6. Buy gloves

Performance is having a sale on Continental Gatorskin puncture-resistant tires. I'm sure they're heavier than a standard tire, but I'd imagine it's about comprable to a standard tire with a Mr. Tuffy strip inserted.

I just assembled a shopping cart from Performance... basically $300 in goods. The tune-up will probably cost another $150. Add tax, and I'm about $500 before my butt even gets on that saddle.

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