
2010.08.28Clipping articles on your Kindle and posting them to Facebook? You can do that?


It's a little kludgy, but it works. I was highlighting part of a newspaper article and wondered how I might send it to some friends when I noticed an option to associate the Kindle with social networks Facebook and Twitter. I gave the Kindle my Facebook credentials, and blammo — it posted the clipping to kindle.amazon.com as a post and assigned it an ID. Then it used the simple note I'd typed ("What an interesting idea.") and used that as the text above the link on the Facebook post. The link itself reads, "Amazon Kindle: {my name} shared from {article title} in {newspaper/magazine/book}" — or it would have, had a character limit not been reached. The Kindle even posted an image of what appears to be the front page of the newspaper I quoted above the words "kindle edition" and an image of the device. Those amazon people aren't dummies — in providing this linking service, they're going to make certain EVERYBODY knows the Kindle deserves the credit as the means for sharing that content. I get that.

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